Sunday, August 9, 2009

Loose Snus vs. Portion Snus, and Size Matters

I tried loose tobacco once. Ew.

I like my snus in portions - that is, in the little pouches. They're made of teabag-type material and they dispense pretty much the same dose every time. You don't have to worry about getting tiny tobacco particles in your teeth (sexy!) or accidentally swallowing the leaves themselves. Bonus, they're super easy to discreetly remove and throw away when you're finished.

So for me, portions it is. Even the most testosterone-laden, manly snuser knows that portions are the best way to go when you're snusing in public, and for snus girls like me, they're the only way to go.

Now, when ordering your portion snus, you'll be faced with a number of options. What size? Mini, regular, strong, maxi... um, it's starting to sound like the feminine hygiene aisle up in here.

First we'll start with size.

Minis are teensy and good for mega-discreet snusing, but are low dose (about 4 mg). Minis are perfect for beginning snusers, and I like to keep a can of General Mint minis on hand in case I have to hang out with my parents or feel the need to snus in, say, church. (Yeah, I said it.) If you're in high school at the ripe age of 18, or college, minis are nice for class. They're dime sized or smaller. I use one or two at a time, tucked under my upper lip just to the right and left of my front teeth.

Regular portions are, um, regular. Moderate nicotine content (usually 8 mg per pouch). They're about penny sized, definitely smaller than a nickel. I place mine either directly above my front teeth or to one side, but I've been known to pop one in my lower lip.

Strong portions are regular sized, but, duh, stronger. These are my go-to snus. Ranging from 11 mg to 17 mg per pouch, you only need one to get the job done. When changing up brands or snusing first thing in the morning, I often get that tingly buzz with the stronger doses. But please, for the love of your stomach, do NOT start strong if you haven't smoked, chewed, or snused for awhile. Work up to these, or you will get dizzy, hurl, and be all pissed at me. Even veteran chewers of Cope or Skoal often find that Swedish strong snus pack a wallop in a tiny package.

Maxi portions? I've never tried them. The way I see it, if I want a huge lump of stuff in my mouth, I don't need to order it from Sweden - my local Kum&Go sells Kodiak for two bucks a can.

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